Welcome to the latest installment of our real estate question and answer series. Every week we answer three questions from social media and the comments section.
Q: The 1st question we have for today is how many $1M homes have you sold in the last five years?
A: 73 single-family residences not including any multifamily or commercial sales.
Q: What is the average day on market for our listing?
A: For us, we are at 26.8 days on market the current quarter and 29.3 for this year to date (2020) which is quite typical for the local market.
Q: How many sellers are we representing right now?
A: We have 10 listings currently active that are either in contract or available for purchase.
For the longer answers check out the podcast. Send us your questions and will answer! Subscribe so you don’t miss the next Q&A Minute!
What questions do you have about San Francisco, the Bay Area, or just real estate in general? Please let us know by commenting below!